This is my truth
A) In what manner did you respond to the images presented by your classmates? Emotionally? Intellectually? Spiritually? Viscerally? What were your cumulative impressions?
After thoroughly reading through my classmate's blog post on photojournalism and Bias, I have mixed emotions about the images that were chosen. However, I do agree with the images that were chosen for truth in photojournalism, this is because most images had shown emotion and the truth about photojournalism. I also agree with Kaylee's image of the nurse and soldier kissing and what she said " The kiss, which conveys the raw emotions of millions of individuals without using words, symbolizes the nation's collective relief at the end of an awful war." this is because I believe that the truth is not always horrible and bad news sometimes the truth can be captured in the simplest moments.
B) Do you feel more confident in knowing what is truth for you? Why or why not?
I do feel more confident in knowing what truth is for me. This is because after seeing my classmate's post I think that we all had the same mindset about the meaning of truth in photojournalism and that is images that are not staged or altered to tell a different story. Like Leo said about his image of truth on 9/11 "I believe that this image represents truth because it capturing a genuine moment of time showing real emotion in this photo is what makes me this a a true photo. " this statement to me is powerful because I feel that the purpose of photojournalism images is to capture these genuine moments that show the truth and the feelings behind an image.
C) Have you gained any insights regarding your personal biases that may have been hidden, masked or unnoticed? What have you specifically learned about how you view the world?
I would say that the way I view the world may be different from some but similar to a few. This is because while reflecting on the assignment I could see how some of my thoughts and feelings would align with the way other view truth. However, I was also able to learn from a lot of my classmates on what they portray the truth as and how they are able to think about things on a much deeper level than I would which is amazing. For example, Christian image of not truth he says " The image romanticizes the idea of bravery, but at the time many workers were working in unsafe conditions. The photo isn't exactly authentic; it was staged to capture an iconic moment, which can distort the true experiences of those workers." after listening to his explanation of why this image is not truth I was able to look at the image from a different angle and understand why he would feel that way vs the way that I would view that image.
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